Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Resilience, can be an oxy moron when paired with someone with bipolar disorder. You may say how can someone with bipolar be resilient? When its stress and madness that causes to break. People with mental illness are view by society as weak and fragile. But in reality we are the strongest individuals out there. and this is why. Imagine the constant stress and agonizing feeling of knowing you will be battling serious highs and serious lows for the rest of your life. and in those lows you sometimes come face to face with death, but its the determination and thick skin that allows you to always end up laughing in death's face over and over again. When you are locked inside of a psychiatric hospital away from family and friends, locked away because for a second there you broke. But its the power to stand up that's inside of me that pushes me to return to life outside those doors once more. and sometimes knowing that yes I may return again but each visit just makes me stronger and stronger. I have leaned on my ability to create as my crutch to stay strong. Playing with colors and word play. Using the bad and good experience as a way to paint the ups and downs in my life, to share and to inspire. This is why I am resilient. To give back to show the world that yes I may be fragile at times. and yes sometimes my emotions I just can't control. But without the daily battle I could not be creative. This madness, this sadness is mine to creative for you and me.

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